We are proud to provide top-quality ICF construction services in Tulsa, Oklahoma. From energy-efficient walls to durable foundations, our skilled team specializes in creating structures that offer superior insulation, strength, and sustainability. Trust us to enhance your property's resilience and comfort with our commitment to exceptional craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail.
Our ICF structures are designed with energy savings in mind. The superior insulation properties of ICF keep indoor temperatures stable, reducing the need for heating and cooling. This energy efficiency lowers utility costs while promoting a comfortable, eco-friendly environment year-round.
ICF construction is built to last. The reinforced concrete core provides exceptional strength and resilience, making it highly resistant to extreme weather and natural wear. This durability ensures a solid, long-lasting structure that stands up to the elements, providing you with lasting security and peace of mind.
Our ICF Manufacturer

Since 1994, TF Forming Systems has led the ICF industry from Wisconsin, becoming the first to manufacture vertical ICF forms—an innovation that enhances strength and efficiency in construction, setting a benchmark in building solutions.
Learn MoreICF's are 9 times stronger than stick-frame construction during extreme weather events. Solid concrete walls minimize the danger of flying objects and collapse during a high-wind episodes. Properly constructed ICF buildings make exceptionally strong storm shelters. For added peace of mind, choose ICF.
Our R-25 ICF wall has continuous rigid insulation on both sides eliminating the thermal bridging. ICF's are also inherently superior at mitigating air infiltration through the wall. This helps to prevents cold spots and condensation problems, which can lead to mold, mildew, rot, and costly repairs.
Typical ICF energy savings are 25-40% over traditional stick-frame construction. The energy savings are MORE than enough to offset the small, differential cost of building with ICF's over traditional methods; this means that your investment in a TF System ICF saves you money in the long-run.

The Thermoform (TF) Vertical ICF System consists of high density plastic studs on 8" centers with a 2-1/2" polystyrene layer on the interior and exterior. Rebar or will lay in the center of the wall before concrete is placed.

With TF Forming Systems patented vertical assembly method, polystyrene panels can be removed for inspection and put back before the pour with very little effort. No other ICF system can do this and inspectors love us for it!

At Grand View, we use the Polyguard waterproofing system for any and all below grade applications. We can also install the whole wall french drain system that Polyguard offers to ensure that water never seeps into your home.